Thursday, February 4, 2010

Big news on the home front

This morning Tam, still in his footie PJs, announces "Me haffa potty" and races off. He unzips himself, takes off his diaper and pees on his potty, "all by my ownself". Such an independent BIG boy!

He then asks for a pull-up. There aren't any pull-ups downstairs. We have come to a crossroads. Daddy decides to persuade Tam to not wear any "parachute." He is okay with no diaper, no pull-up and no underpants. Within 5 minutes, he gets "that look" on his face and races off and pees a little more, a very little. Mommy calls and is very proud. While that call is still going, Tam gets "that look" again and says "need poopoo". The call ends, we tag team the PJs and Daddy has to convince Tam that there is no poopoo on his PJs. He sits on the potty for several minutes, while Daddy is making him a crown (for his little prince of the potty!). He gets up, inspects his work and proudly announces that he has poopoo-ed in his peepee! He is such a big boy!

And no, no picture(s)!


  1. Congratulations on your post yesterday as well as today! (And thanks for no pictures.) Be sure to let us know all about your travels.

  2. All by my ownself! I love it. LOVE IT.

    Maybe he could talk to Minh??
